Thursday, October 23, 2008

Post Office humor

Today I went to the post office to forward our mail to UT. Upon arriving there was a rather attentive mailman right at the door. He asked me if I wanted to use the automated system and I kindly told him I just needed to fill out a change of address form. He then told me all that I needed to do, even though the instructions were clearly printed on the form. He then was telling me that the mail would take 7 days to be forwarded to our Utah address. I found him pretty entertaining and thanked him for his help. When the form was filled out and we were ready to leave Samantha took my hand and said...
"It doesn't take that long to get to Utah, that man was silly, lets go to another Post Office." I laughed so hard! She was listening pretty close, funny, girl :)


Mike and Ashley said...

Just wanted you to know that we miss you already!!! We hope you arrived "home" safely!

Julie w said...

Hey! I'm so glad you've got a blog! That way I can actually stalk you without you knowing it. ha, ha. How are you? It's been a while hasn't it? Glad to hear you're back in Utah. Hope to hear from you soon or you know the old fashioned see you soon too! :) Love, Julie