Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Who doesn't just love cookies! This is how we celebrated Super Bowl Sunday! Needless to say the pile was seriously diminished by the end of the night. Yumm, I know that you want one, too bad :)


kate said...

i want one! and i love your blog header pic, so lovely!

Audrey said...

You know I love those cookies and nobody makes them better than you! We are FREEZING over here in MI. Wishing we could go back to the lazy summer days in the park. Needless to say we have been making a lot of trips to the WB library. Sure miss you and the family! We did get your lovely card and note from Sam. Izzy loved the jewels.

Andrea said...

C is for cookie that is good enough for me! Why didn't you send me some??? Rude! HOwever, I will accept a plate for a peace offering. :)
Love you and that cute pony-tail! We're just getting into piggies over here.
Love you!

nspency said...

I LOVE those cookies!!!

Kirstin and Brett's Family said...

I want to go make some every time I see this.. NOT GOOD!! So Steph, please post some new pics so I don't have to look at those yummy cookies anymore!! Plus, a good nutritionist like you should know better than to make cookies just for fun.. including the Super Bowl (HA HA HA)! Talk to you soon!